Tap the Rockies! Wilson Peak, El Diente, and Mount Wilson

Atop 14,246′ Mount Wilson – the third peak of the day as the weather held just long enough to get the third peak skied and get down safely.
Peaks #49-51: Saturday, May 28, 2016.
Elevation: 14,017′, 14,159′, 14,246′.
Ski Route: Wilson Pk: North Face couloir direct to notch up from Rock of Ages, Descent of West Ridge/south aspect, traverse to El Diente, up and down Fox Traverse of El Diente, Mount Wilson’s North Face up to summit and down South face to Boxcar Couloir, then wrap around to north face of Mount Wilson and back over Rock of Ages Saddle.

Climbing the Fox Traverse on 14,159′ El Diente.
Roundtrip Mileage and Vertical: 13.5mi /8,800′ (Wilson Pk, El Diente, and Mount Wilson together).
Ski Partners: Solo Mission on Wilson Pk, Skied Fox on El Diente with Mike and his buddy, Solo on Mount Wilson but met some guys on the summit and at the Box Couloir (30 minutes on each summit).
Start Time: 430am

Closing in on the Finish line!
Reached Summit of Wilson Peak: 715am
Summit of El Diente: 10am
Summit of Mount Wilson: 130pm
Finish: 430pm
Videos Below show the skiing: